メンバー: 山田晃
分野: 応用物理学、電気電子工学、人間医工学
所属: 工学研究院
キーワード: 超音波、医用画像、トモグラフィ、内蔵脂肪検査、音速分布映像
本研究は、小型、安全、安価に、家庭や診療所レベルで実現可能な超音波トモグラフィ法に基づいた内臓脂肪検査法の実現を目指しています。腹部周囲体表上の多数の場所で送受信した音波伝搬時間データに、超音波トモグラフィ法を適用することにより、腹部断面内の音速分布映像を再現しています。本手法は、脂肪領域で音速が遅く、筋肉その他の領域では速い性質を利用し、音速再構成映像から内臓脂肪面積を推定する原理に基づいています。超音波トモグラフィ法は、体内の生体組織音速を非侵襲、in vivo な状態で測定できるので、病気の診断にとどまらず、生活習慣病予防やアンチエージングのための検査装置としての応用が期待されます。また、人体の弾性物理量情報を利用した製品開発への応用も可能です。
[1] K.Nogami, A.Yamada, “Evaluation experiment of ultrasound CT for the abdominal sound speed imaging”, Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 46, 7B, pp.4820-4826 (2007).
[2] Akira Yamada, “Quadrangular View Ultrasound Inverse-Scattering Computed Tomography”, Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 48, 07GC01, pp.1-6 (2009).
[3] T. Yokoyama, K. Sasaki, D.Shimizu, H. Li and A.Yamada, “Surface Automated Mechanical Scanner for the Abdominal Sound Speed Tomographic Imaging”, 2013 Int. Cong. on Ultrasonics, Sa23.2, 2-5 May 2013, Singapore.
Visceral fat measurement method based on the ultrasound wave tomography
Research members: Dr. Akira Yamada
Research fields: Applied physics, Electrical and electronic engineering, Biomedical engineering
Departments: Institute of Engineering
Keywords: Ultrasound wave, medical imaging, tomography, visceral fat diagnosis, sound speed profile image
Web site:
In this research, we intend to develop an abdominal visceral fat area measurementsystem based on the ultrasound tomograhic technique. It is suited to be used in homeplace and clinic center taking advantage of being safe, low cost and compactness.The human abdominal cross sectional sound speed image can be reconstructed by applyingtomographic calculation to the sound propagation time data collected at a number ofpositions on the abdominal body surface. The method is based on the fact that thesound speed of fat region is much lower than other regions including muscles, intestine and kidney etc. The visceral fat areas can be estimated from thereconstructed abdominal sound speed image. Ultrasound tomography provides the meansto measure the in vivo tissue sound speed non-invasively. It is therefore expectedto be used in the daily health monitoring for preventing adult diseases as well asthe conventional disease diagnosis. Moreover, human body elastic modulus may providevaluable information in product development.
Reference articles and patents
[1] K.Nogami, A.Yamada, “Evaluation experiment of ultrasound CT for the abdominal sound speed imaging”, Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 46, 7B, pp.4820-4826 (2007).
[2] Akira Yamada:“Quadrangular View Ultrasound Inverse-Scattering Computed Tomography”, Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 48, 07GC01, pp.1-6 (2009).
[3] T. Yokoyama, K. Sasaki, D.Shimizu, H. Li and A.Yamada, "Body Surface Automated Mechanical Scanner for the Abdominal Sound Speed Tomographic Imaging", 2013 Int. Cong. on Ultrasonics, Sa23.2, 2-5 May 2013, Singapore.
University Research Administration Center(URAC),
Tokyo University of Agriculture andTechnology
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