メンバー: 金田正弘
分野: ゲノム科学、生物科学、動物生命科学
所属: 農学研究院
キーワード: DNAメチル化、遺伝子発現制御、エピジェネティクス、ゲノムインプリンティング、DNA methylation、 gene expression regulation、 epigenetics、 genomic imprinting

1) 体細胞クローン牛の発生率向上技術の開発
2) 体細胞クローン牛の生殖系列におけるリプログラミング解析
3) 小動物(イヌ・ネコ)のがんにおけるエピジェネティクス解析
1) Comparison of DNA methylation levels of repetitive loci during bovine development.
Kaneda M, Akagi S, Watanabe S, Nagai T.
BMC Proc. 2011;5 Suppl 4:S3.
2) DNA methylation analysis on satellite I region in blastocysts obtained from somatic cell cloned cattle.
Yamanaka K, Kaneda M, Inaba Y, Saito K, Kubota K, Sakatani M, Sugimura S, Imai K, Watanabe S and Takahashi M.
Anim. Sci. J. 2011;82(4);523-530.
3) Genetic evidence for Dnmt3a-dependent imprinting during oocyte growth obtained by conditional knockout with Zp3-Cre and complete exclusion of Dnmt3b by chimera formation.
Kaneda M, Hirasawa R, Chiba H, Okano M, Li E and Sasaki H.
Genes to Cells 2010;15(3);169-179.
4) Essential role for Argonaute2 protein in mouse oogenesis.
Kaneda M, Tang F, O'Carroll D, Lao K and Surani MA.
Epigenetics & Chromatin 2009;2;9.
5) Essential role for de novo DNA methyltransferase Dnmt3a in paternal and maternal imprinting.
Kaneda M, Okano M, Hata K, Sado T, Tsujimoto N, Li E and Sasaki H.
Nature 2004;429:
Epigenetic analysis in mammals
Research members: Dr. Masahiro KANEDA
Research fields: Genome science, Biological Science, Animal life science
Departments: Institute of Agriculture
Keywords: DNA methylation, gene expression regulation, epigenetics, genomic imprinting

I'm studying epigenetics, a gene regulation system which is getting more and more popular these days, using cloned cattele as a model orgamism. Epigenetics contorls gene expression without any mutation on DNA resudies, but adding methyl-group to Cytosine (particulary on CpG dinuclotides) and modifying histone proteins which is packaging DNA double strands. Not only histome modifications (such as methylation, acetylation, phosphorylation or ubiquitination etc.) but high-order chromatin structure also affects gene expression. These epigenetic changes play important roles in development and differentiation via controlling proper gene expression. The following research topics are now underway.
1) Improvement of cloning efficiency on somatic cell nuclear transferred cattle.
2) Analysis of reprogramming events occuring in cloned cattle germlines.
3) Epigenetic analysis of cancer in small animals (dogs and cats)
Reference articles and patents
1) Comparison of DNA methylation levels of repetitive loci during bovine development.
Kaneda M, Akagi S, Watanabe S, Nagai T.
BMC Proc. 2011;5 Suppl 4:S3.
2) DNA methylation analysis on satellite I region in blastocysts obtained from somatic cell cloned cattle.
Yamanaka K, Kaneda M, Inaba Y, Saito K, Kubota K, Sakatani M, Sugimura S, Imai K, Watanabe S and Takahashi M.
Anim. Sci. J. 2011;82(4);523-530.
3) Genetic evidence for Dnmt3a-dependent imprinting during oocyte growth obtained by conditional knockout with Zp3-Cre and complete exclusion of Dnmt3b by chimera formation.
Kaneda M, Hirasawa R, Chiba H, Okano M, Li E and Sasaki H.
Genes to Cells 2010;15(3);169-179.
4) Essential role for Argonaute2 protein in mouse oogenesis.
Kaneda M, Tang F, O'Carroll D, Lao K and Surani MA.
Epigenetics & Chromatin 2009;2;9.
5) Essential role for de novo DNA methyltransferase Dnmt3a in paternal and maternal imprinting.
Kaneda M, Okano M, Hata K, Sado T, Tsujimoto N, Li E and Sasaki H.
Nature 2004;429:
University Research Administration Center(URAC),
Tokyo University of Agriculture andTechnology
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