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メンバー: 蓮見惠司、鈴木絵里子

分野: 農芸化学、基礎医学、薬学

所属: 農学研究院

キーワード: 生理活性生化学、細胞生物学





1) Hasumi K, Yamamichi S, Harada T (2010) Small-molecule modulators of the zymogen activation in the fibrinolytic and coagulation systems. FEBS J 277, 3675-3687.
2) Hashimoto T, Shibata K, Nobe K, Hasumi K, Honda K (2010) A novel embolic model of cerebral infarction and evaluation of SMTP-7, a novel fungal triprenyl phenol metabolite. J Pharmacol Sci 114, 41-49.
3) Shibata K, Hashimoto T, Nobe K, Hasumi K, Honda K (2010) A novel finding of a low-molecular-weight compound, SMTP-7, having thrombolytic and anti-inflammatory effects in cerebral infarction of mice. N-S Arch Pharmacol 382, 245-253.
4) Miyazaki T, Kimura Y, Ohata H, Hashimoto T, Shibata K, Hasumi K, Honda K (2011) Distinct effects of tissue-type plasminogen activator and SMTP-7 on cerebrovascular inflammation following thrombolytic reperfusion. Stroke 42, 1097-1104.
5) Sawada H, Nishimura N, Suzuki E, Zhuang J, Hasegawa K, Takamatsu H, Honda K, Hasumi K (2014) SMTP-7, a novel small-molecule thrombolytic for ischemic stroke: a study in rodents and primates. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 34, 235-241.
6) Matsumoto N, Suzuki E, Ishikawa M,Shirafuji T, Hasumi K (2014) Soluble epoxide hydrolase as an anti-inflammatorytarget of the thrombolytic stroke drug SMTP-7. J Biol Chem 289, 35826–35838.




Bioactive small molecules from microbes: isolation, biochemical characterization, pharmacology, and drug development

Research members: Dr. Keiji Hasumi, Dr. Eriko Suzuki

Research fields: Agricultural chemistry, Basic medicine, Pharmacy

Departments: Institute of Agriculture

Keywords: biological chemistry, bioactive compounds, chemical biology, drug development

Web site:


SMTPsare a family of novel small molecules derived from a fungus. SMTP enhancesproteolytic activation of plasminogen, a circulating zymogen of plasmin that isresponsible for blood clot dissolution. This activity is attributable to themodulation of plasminogen conformation—while a spiral, closed conformation ofplasminogen resists its proteolytic activation, SMTP relaxes it to anactivation-prone conformation, thus promoting physiological plasmin formationand clot clearance. SMTP is effective in treating thrombotic and embolicstrokes in animal models in rodents and primates. Notably, its action isaccompanied by a reduced hemorrhagic transformation and a wide therapeutic timewindow. The excellent efficacy is partly explained by the anti-inflammatory andantioxidative activities. Based on these properties, we are developing TMS-007,a potent SMTP congener, as a drug for treatment of stroke. TMS-007 is under arandomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase I clinical study.

Reference articles and patents

1) Hasumi K, Yamamichi S, Harada T (2010) Small-molecule modulators of the zymogen activation in the fibrinolytic and coagulation systems. FEBS J 277, 3675-3687.
2) Hashimoto T, Shibata K, Nobe K, Hasumi K, Honda K (2010) A novel embolic model of cerebral infarction and evaluation of SMTP-7, a novel fungal triprenyl phenol metabolite. J Pharmacol Sci 114, 41-49.
3) Shibata K, Hashimoto T, Nobe K, Hasumi K, Honda K (2010) A novel finding of a low-molecular-weight compound, SMTP-7, having thrombolytic and anti-inflammatory effects in cerebral infarction of mice. N-S Arch Pharmacol 382, 245-253.
4) Miyazaki T, Kimura Y, Ohata H, Hashimoto T, Shibata K, Hasumi K, Honda K (2011) Distinct effects of tissue-type plasminogen activator and SMTP-7 on cerebrovascular inflammation following thrombolytic reperfusion. Stroke 42, 1097-1104.
5) Sawada H, Nishimura N, Suzuki E, Zhuang J, Hasegawa K, Takamatsu H, Honda K, Hasumi K (2014) SMTP-7, a novel small-molecule thrombolytic for ischemic stroke: a study in rodents and primates. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 34, 235-241.
6) Matsumoto N, Suzuki E, Ishikawa M,Shirafuji T, Hasumi K (2014) Soluble epoxide hydrolase as an anti-inflammatorytarget of the thrombolytic stroke drug SMTP-7. J Biol Chem 289, 35826–35838.


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