
メンバー: 大川泰一郎
分野: 生産環境農学、ゲノム科学、生物科学
所属: 農学研究院
キーワード: イネ、多収、倒伏抵抗性、バイオマス生産、量的形質遺伝子座、ゲノム、バイオマスエネルギー

1)"Isolation of a novel lodging resistance QTL gene involved in strigolactone signaling and its pyramiding with a QTL gene involved in another mechanism", Yano,K., Ookawa,T., Aya,K., Ochiai,Y., Hirasawa,T., Ebitani,T., Takarada,T., Yano,M., Yamamoto,T., Fukuoka,S., Wu,J., Ando,T., Ordonio,R.L., Hirano,K. and Matsuoka,M., Molecular Plant, Vol.8, 303-14, 2015.
2)"Increased lodging resistance in long-culm, low-lignin gh2 rice for improved feed and bioenergy production", Ookawa,T., Inoue,K.,Matsuoka,M., Ebitani,T., Takarada,T., Yamamoto,T., Ueda,T., Yokoyama, T., Sugiyama,C., Nakaba,S., Kato,H., Kanekatsu,M., Toyota,K., Motobayashi,T., Vazirzanjani,M., Tojo,S. and Hirasawa,T., Scientific Reports, Vol.4, 6567, 2014.
3) "A natural variant of NAL1, selected in high-yield rice breeding programs, pleoitropically increases photosynthesis rate", Takai,T., Adachi,S., Taguchi-Shiobara,F., Sanoh-Arai,Y., Iwasawa,N., Yoshinaga,S., Hirose,S., Taniguchi,Y., Yamanouchi,U., Wu,J., matsumoto,T., Sugimoto,K., Kondo,K., Ikka,T., Ando,T., Kono,I., Ito,S., Shomura,A., Ookawa,t., Hirasawa,T., Yano,M., Kondo,M. and Yamamoto, T., Scientific Reports, Vol.3, 2149, 2013.
4) "New approach for rice improvement using a pleiotropic QTL gene for lodging resistance and yield", Ookawa,T., Hobo,T., Murata,K., Ando,T., Miura,H., Asano,K., Ochiai,Y., Ikeda,M., Nishitani, R., Ebitani,T., Ozaki,H., Angeles,E.R., Hirasawa, T. and Matsuoka,M., Nature Communications, Vol.1, 12, 2010.
5) Biomass production and lodging resistance in 'Leaf Star', a new long-culm rice forage cultivar, Plant Production Science, Vol.1, 58-66, 2010.
New approach for rice improvement using pleiotropic genes for lodging resistance and yield

Research members: Dr. Taiichiro Ookawa
Research fields: Plant production and environmental agriculture, Genome science, Biological Science
Departments: Institute of Agriculture
Keywords: Rice, High yield, Lodging resistance, Biomass production, Quantitative trait loci, Genome, Bioenergy
Web site:

To solve the food crisis, we study on rice improvements for enhancing lodging resistance and yield. We suggest that breeding rice varieties with a high grain yield and enhanced lodging resistance can be approach using pleiotorpic genes having similar physiological functions.In our studies, we have identified some genes controlling culm strength and yield due to pleiotropic effects using a quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis combined with positional cloning.
The following researches are underway in our laboratory.
1) Identification and isolation of a major QTL conferring lodging resistance and yield
2) Pyramiding effects of the major QTLs for lodging resistance and high yield
3) Development of new varieties with a superior lodging resistance and a high yield using DNA maker assisted selection
4) Development of the new varieties with a high biomass production for bioenergy
Reference articles and patents
1)"Isolation of a novel lodging resistance QTL gene involved in strigolactone signaling and its pyramiding with a QTL gene involved in another mechanism", Yano,K., Ookawa,T., Aya,K., Ochiai,Y., Hirasawa,T., Ebitani,T., Takarada,T., Yano,M., Yamamoto,T., Fukuoka,S., Wu,J., Ando,T., Ordonio,R.L., Hirano,K. and Matsuoka,M., Molecular Plant, Vol.8, 303-14, 2015.
2)"Increased lodging resistance in long-culm, low-lignin gh2 rice for improved feed and bioenergy production", Ookawa,T., Inoue,K.,Matsuoka,M., Ebitani,T., Takarada,T., Yamamoto,T., Ueda,T., Yokoyama, T., Sugiyama,C., Nakaba,S., Kato,H., Kanekatsu,M., Toyota,K., Motobayashi,T., Vazirzanjani,M., Tojo,S. and Hirasawa,T., Scientific Reports, Vol.4, 6567, 2014.
3) "A natural variant of NAL1, selected in high-yield rice breeding programs, pleoitropically increases photosynthesis rate", Takai,T., Adachi,S., Taguchi-Shiobara,F., Sanoh-Arai,Y., Iwasawa,N., Yoshinaga,S., Hirose,S., Taniguchi,Y., Yamanouchi,U., Wu,J., matsumoto,T., Sugimoto,K., Kondo,K., Ikka,T., Ando,T., Kono,I., Ito,S., Shomura,A., Ookawa,t., Hirasawa,T., Yano,M., Kondo,M. and Yamamoto, T., Scientific Reports, Vol.3, 2149, 2013.
4) "New approach for rice improvement using a pleiotropic QTL gene for lodging resistance and yield", Ookawa,T., Hobo,T., Murata,K., Ando,T., Miura,H., Asano,K., Ochiai,Y., Ikeda,M., Nishitani, R., Ebitani,T., Ozaki,H., Angeles,E.R., Hirasawa, T. and Matsuoka,M., Nature Communications, Vol.1, 12, 2010.
5) Biomass production and lodging resistance in 'Leaf Star', a new long-culm rice forage cultivar, Plant Production Science, Vol.1, 58-66, 2010.
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Tokyo University of Agriculture andTechnology
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