Heat transfer enhancement contributing to solving environmental problems and saving energy

Research members: Dr. Akira Murata
Research fields: Mechanical engineering
Departments: Institute of Engineering
Keywords: heat transfer enhancement, gas turbine, heat exchanger
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Energy transfer which takes place due to a temperature difference is called "heat transfer". On the other hand, an object has the energy according to its temperature, and it is called "internal energy" or "thermal energy". Any form of energy is finally transformed into "thermal energy", and therefore "heat transfer" and/or "thermal energy" related phenomena appear everywhere. There are a lot of engineering and scientific problems associated with "heat transfer" and "thermal energy". We carry out the researches on various heat/thermal problems as follows:
1) Effective cooling of gas turbine elements for higher thermal efficiency and CO2 reduction,
2) Development of high performance heat exchanger for environment-friendly energy conservation, and
3) High performance heat transport device utilizing phase change applicable to heat spreader for electronic device cooling.
Reference articles and patents
(1) Nishida, S., Murata, A., Saito, H., et al., Effects of Shape and Arrangement of Dimples on Film Cooling Performance over Cutback Surface at Airfoil Trailing Edge, Proc. of Turbo Expo 2013,June 3-7,2013,Texas,US,GT2013-95542(13 pages), (2013).
(2) Murata, A., et al., Effects of Surface Geometry on Film Cooling Performance at Airfoil Trailing Edge, Trans. ASME, J. of Turbomachinery, Vol.134, Issue 5(2012), 051033(8pages).
(3)Nishida, S., Murata, A., Saito, H., et al., Compensation of Three-Dimensional Heat Conduction inside Wall in Heat Transfer Measurement of Dimpled Surface by Using Transient Technique, J. of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol.19(2012), pp.331-341.
(4) Abiko, K., Murata, A., Saito, H., et al., Identification of Two-Phase Flow Patterns in Parallel-Tube Heat Transport Device by Using Image Analysis, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Multiphase Flow, May 26-31,2013, Jeju, Korea, ICMF2013-572(5 pages), (2013).
(5)小西孟, 村田章, 齋藤博史, 他2名,3次元熱伝導を考慮した過渡応答法によるディンプル付きカットバック面のフィルム冷却性能評価(球状ディンプルと傾斜有無ティアドロップディンプルの比較), 日本ガスタービン学会誌,Vol.41,No.5(2013), pp.401-407.
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