
メンバー: 渡辺元
分野: 生物科学、動物生命科学、環境保全学
所属: 農学研究院、共同獣医学科 獣医生理学研究室
キーワード: 生殖、内分泌学、環境ホルモン、野生動物

ウミガメ類の性は温度感受期中(産卵から孵化までの1/3から2/3の期間)の温度によって決定され(高温で雌、低温で雄)、雌雄の比率が1:1になる温度を臨界温度と呼ぶ。成体は爪や尾などの外部形態から、亜成体は血中性ホルモン濃度や腹腔鏡により性を非致死的に判別することができるが、幼体においては非致死的な性判別法は報告されていない。安楽殺後のアカウミガメ幼体において、血中エストラジオール17β濃度(以下E2)/血中テストステロン濃度(以下T)の値で(E2/T>1.25=雌)、雌雄を判別できると報告されている(Gross et al., 1995)。東条海岸に産卵されたアカウミガメ幼体を用い、E2/T濃度と温度感受期平均温度から、アカウミガメ幼体における非致死的な性判別法の確立を試みた。
Shohei Kobayashi; Yoshimichi Saito; Akihisa Osawa; Etsuko Katsumata; Isuke Karaki; Kentaro Nagaoka, Kazuyoshi Taya ;Embryonic sex steroid hormones accumulate in the eggshell of loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2015.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2015.05.013
Establishment of Nonlethal Method to Estimate the Sex of Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Hatchling Individuals

Research members: Gen Watanabe PhD.
Research fields: Biological Science, Animal life science, Environmental conservation
Departments: Veterinary Physiology, Institute of Agriculture
Keywords: Reproduction, endocrinology, endocrine disruptors, wild animals

Gonadal sex differentiation in the Sea turtles is determined by the temperature during the critical period of the incubation of eggs. The critical period is the send term of the incubation, when the incubation period was divided in three periods. Adult turtles can be sexed by the physical characteristics such as nails and the tails. Young adults can be sexed by using measurement of blood sex steroids and the laparoscopy. On the other hand, hatchlings are difficult to sex without histological evaluation of gonads. Gross et al. (1995) reported that the ratio of estradiol-17beta (E2) to testosterone (T) in the serum can be used for sex identification and the E2/T values more than 1.25 would be females. We have evaluated the E2/T values of hatchling individuals and precise temperature recording in the nests of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) at the Tojo beach, Kamogawa, Chiba, Japan without sacrificing.
The mean temperatures in the sand and the nests during the critical period were all below 29.7C. There were 11 individuals showing higher values of E2/T ratio more than 1.25. We found that E2/T ratios showed significant positive co-relations with the mean temperatures in the nest during the critical period. We also found the blood drawing from the dorsal cervical sinus was not fatal. We can conclude that evaluation of E2/T ratios in the blood of the dorsal cervical sinus can be applied for the sexing of hatchlings of the sea turtles. Monitoring the sex ratios of hatchlings in the different places would provide important information for the evaluation of the global worming, the conservation and the management of reproduction in sea turtles.
Reference articles and patents
Shohei Kobayashi; Yoshimichi Saito; Akihisa Osawa; Etsuko Katsumata; Isuke Karaki; Kentaro Nagaoka, Kazuyoshi Taya ;Embryonic sex steroid hormones accumulate in the eggshell of loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2015.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2015.05.013
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