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メンバー: 直井勝彦、岩間悦郎、宮本淳一

分野: 材料化学

所属: 工学研究院応用化学部門

キーワード: 電気エネルギー貯蔵デバイス、キャパシタ、ナノ複合材料、




1) メカニズム解明: 農工大のナノ複合体材料の特筆した性能について、XRD-Synchrotron 測定と精密解析、高分解能TPDによる分析を行い、SPring8による分析、HRTEM観察などと照合し、電気化学的メカニズムの解明を行う。

2) 評価方法の確立: 現在学術論文では新ナノ材料の評価方法がバラバラであり、条件が異なるため性能も比較検討が難しい。ナノ電気化学の分野で知見の深い海外研究員の提案を農工大のナノ複合材料測定で試行し、評価法についての標準化を図る。

3) 新理論の確立:計算化学によるシミュレーション、 FT-IR、in-situ Raman の分析と照合し、特異なナノ構造に由来する新物性(量子的エンタングルメントとナノ電気化学現象を結びつける)の解明を行う。

4) 国際規格の共同提案:ナノ材料開発から次世代キャパシタデバイス構築に至る技術的な道筋を立てる。ナノ材料特有の新しい多くの課題・問題点を共有化し、国際規格を共同提案する。


•直井勝彦, 木須一彰, 沖田尚久, 篠田万里子, 村松将典, 岩間悦郎, 直井和子, "超遠心ナノハイブリッド技術を用いたナノ結晶Li3V1.8Al0.2(PO4)3/多層カーボンナノチューブ複合体のハイブリッドキャパシタ正極特性", Electrochemistry, (2015), 83(4), 249.

•Katsuhiko Naoia, Kazuaki Kisu, Etsuro Iwama, Yuki Sato, Mariko Shinoda, Naohisa Okita and Wako Naoi, "Ultrafast Cathode Characteristics of Nanocrystalline-Li3V2(PO4)3/Carbon Nanofiber Composites", J. Electrochem. Soc., (2015), 162(6), A1.

•Kazuaki Kisu, Etsuro Iwama, Wataru Onishi, Shota Nakashima, Wako Naoi and Katsuhiko Naoi, "Ultrafast nano-spherical single-crystalline LiMn0.792Fe0.198Mg0.010PO4 solid-solution confined among unbundled interstices of SGCNTs", J. Mater. Chem. A, (2014), 2, 20789.

•Kazuaki Kisu, Minami Iijima, Etsuro Iwama, Morihiro Saito,Yuki Orikasa, Wako Naoi and Katsuhiko Naoi, "The origin of anomalous large reversible capacity for SnO2 conversion reaction", J. Mater. Chem. A,(2014), 2, 13058.

•Katsuhiko Naoi, Daisuke Yonekura, Satoshi Moriyama, Hidetomo Goto, Etsuro Iwama, Satoshi Kubota, Shuichi Ishimoto, Wako Naoi, "Lithium-rich Layered Nanoplate/Carbon Composites Exhibiting Extremely Large Reversible Lithium Storrage Capacity", J. Alloys and Compounds, 605,137-141(2014).

•Daisuke Yonekura, Etsuro Iwama, Naoki Ota, Masanori Muramatsu, Morihiro Saito, Yuki Orikasa, Wako Naoi, Katsuhiko Naoi, Progress of Conversion Reaction of Mn3O4 Particles as a function of The Depth of Discharge, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.,16,6027-6032(2014).

•Katsuhiko Naoi, Wako Naoi, Shintaro Aoyagi, Junichi Miyamoto, Takeo Kamino, New Generation Nanohybrid Supercapacitor, Accounts of Chemical Research,46(5),1075-1083(2013).

•Katsuhiko Naoi, Shuichi Ishimoto, Junichi Miyamoto, Wako Naoi, Second generation Nanohybrid Supercapacitor: Evolution of capacitive energy storage devices, Energy & Environmental Science, 5,9363-9373(2012).

•Kazumi Chiba, Tsukasa Ueda, Yoji Yamaguchi, Yusuke Oki, Fumitaka Shimodate, Katsuhiko Naoi, Electrolyte Systems for High Withstand Voltage and Durability Part I. Linear Sulfones for Electric Double-Layer Capacitors, J.Electrochem.Soc.,158(8),A872-A882 (2011).

•Kazumi Chiba, Tsukasa Ueda, Yoji Yamaguchi, Yusuke Oki, Fumiya Saiki, Katsuhiko Naoi, Electrolyte Systems for High Withstand Voltage and Durability Part II. Alkylated Cyclic Carbonates for Electric Double-Layer Capacitors, J.Electrochem.Soc., 158(12), A1320-A1327 (2011).

•Katsuhiko Naoi, ‘Nanohybrid Capacitors’: The Next Generation Electrochemical Capacitors, Fuel Cells, 10(5),825-833(2010).

•Katsuhiko Naoi, Shunichi Ishimoto, Yusaku Isobe, Shintaro Aoyagi, High-rate nano-crystalline Li4Ti5O12 attached on carbon nano-fibers fot hybrid supercapacitors, Journal of Power Sources, 195(18), 6250-6254 (2010).

•Katsuhiko Naoi, Etsuro Iwama, Nobuhiro Ogihara, Yasuhiro Nakamura, Haruki Segawa, Yuji Ino, Nonflammable Hydrofluoroether for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Enhanced Rate Capability, Cyclability, and Low-Temperature Performance, J.Electrochem.Soc.,156(4),A272-A276 (2009).




Next-generation Ultrafast Electric Energy Storage Devices

Future society illustration achieved by next-generation EES devices

Research members: Dr. Katsuhiko Naoi, Dr. Etsuro Iwama, Dr. Junichi Miyamoto

Research fields: Materials chemistry

Departments: Department of Applied Chemistry, Institute of Engineering

Keywords: Electric energy stroage (EES) devices, Supercapacitor, nano composites,


We are especially dedicated for the development of next-generation supercapacitors through the synthesis of the novel electrode materials based on molecular design of nanomaterials and nanocarbons. Nanoscience and nanotechnology can provide tremendous benefits to electrochemical energy storage devices, such as batteries and supercapacitors, by combining new nanoscale properties to realize enhanced energy and power capabilities. Effective strategies to upgrade conventional electric double layer capacitors are investigated and fundamental issues and future directions are identified by our group.

Still, the synthesis of new nano materials is indispensable for the realization of new-generation supercapacitors, while dealing with new nano materials is always accompanied with unexplained phenomena and requires new evaluation standards.
     Our group tag-team with top French scientists to organize international GIR capacitor team and tackle these issues by following four approaches;

I)Mechanism: GIR capacitor team will elucidate the mechanism of outstanding electrochemical performances for TUAT’s nano composite materials through accurate structural analyses combining basic X-ray diffraction, powerful X-ray (SPring 8), and high-resolution TEM observation.

II)Evaluation: In current scientific papers, new nano materials are evaluated with a variable method and different measure conditions, which have been complicating the comparison of the nano composites’ performances. GIR capacitor team will endeavor to create standards of the evaluating conditions through the characterization of TUAT’s nano materials with the aids of French researchers.

III)New theory: New characteristics which integrates both of quantum entanglements and nano electrochemical phenomena by the combination of in-situ Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy in TUAT and theoretical calculation such as DFT and Molecular Dynamics in France.

IV)Joint submission for international standard: GIR capacitor team will make clear of the technological path towards next-generation supercapacitor devices starting from developments of new nano materials. Sharing various kinds of new issues associated with nano materials through the collaborating research, we will work on creating the technological international standards.

Reference articles and patents

•直井勝彦, 木須一彰, 沖田尚久, 篠田万里子, 村松将典, 岩間悦郎, 直井和子, "超遠心ナノハイブリッド技術を用いたナノ結晶Li3V1.8Al0.2(PO4)3/多層カーボンナノチューブ複合体のハイブリッドキャパシタ正極特性", Electrochemistry, (2015), 83(4), 249.

•Katsuhiko Naoia, Kazuaki Kisu, Etsuro Iwama, Yuki Sato, Mariko Shinoda, Naohisa Okita and Wako Naoi, "Ultrafast Cathode Characteristics of Nanocrystalline-Li3V2(PO4)3/Carbon Nanofiber Composites", J. Electrochem. Soc., (2015), 162(6), A1.

•Kazuaki Kisu, Etsuro Iwama, Wataru Onishi, Shota Nakashima, Wako Naoi and Katsuhiko Naoi, "Ultrafast nano-spherical single-crystalline LiMn0.792Fe0.198Mg0.010PO4 solid-solution confined among unbundled interstices of SGCNTs", J. Mater. Chem. A, (2014), 2, 20789.

•Kazuaki Kisu, Minami Iijima, Etsuro Iwama, Morihiro Saito,Yuki Orikasa, Wako Naoi and Katsuhiko Naoi, "The origin of anomalous large reversible capacity for SnO2 conversion reaction", J. Mater. Chem. A,(2014), 2, 13058.

•Katsuhiko Naoi, Daisuke Yonekura, Satoshi Moriyama, Hidetomo Goto, Etsuro Iwama, Satoshi Kubota, Shuichi Ishimoto, Wako Naoi, "Lithium-rich Layered Nanoplate/Carbon Composites Exhibiting Extremely Large Reversible Lithium Storrage Capacity", J. Alloys and Compounds, 605,137-141(2014).

•Daisuke Yonekura, Etsuro Iwama, Naoki Ota, Masanori Muramatsu, Morihiro Saito, Yuki Orikasa, Wako Naoi, Katsuhiko Naoi, Progress of Conversion Reaction of Mn3O4 Particles as a function of The Depth of Discharge, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.,16,6027-6032(2014).

•Katsuhiko Naoi, Wako Naoi, Shintaro Aoyagi, Junichi Miyamoto, Takeo Kamino, New Generation Nanohybrid Supercapacitor, Accounts of Chemical Research,46(5),1075-1083(2013).

•Katsuhiko Naoi, Shuichi Ishimoto, Junichi Miyamoto, Wako Naoi, Second generation Nanohybrid Supercapacitor: Evolution of capacitive energy storage devices, Energy & Environmental Science, 5,9363-9373(2012).

•Kazumi Chiba, Tsukasa Ueda, Yoji Yamaguchi, Yusuke Oki, Fumitaka Shimodate, Katsuhiko Naoi, Electrolyte Systems for High Withstand Voltage and Durability Part I. Linear Sulfones for Electric Double-Layer Capacitors, J.Electrochem.Soc.,158(8),A872-A882 (2011).

•Kazumi Chiba, Tsukasa Ueda, Yoji Yamaguchi, Yusuke Oki, Fumiya Saiki, Katsuhiko Naoi, Electrolyte Systems for High Withstand Voltage and Durability Part II. Alkylated Cyclic Carbonates for Electric Double-Layer Capacitors, J.Electrochem.Soc., 158(12), A1320-A1327 (2011).

•Katsuhiko Naoi, ‘Nanohybrid Capacitors’: The Next Generation Electrochemical Capacitors, Fuel Cells, 10(5),825-833(2010).

•Katsuhiko Naoi, Shunichi Ishimoto, Yusaku Isobe, Shintaro Aoyagi, High-rate nano-crystalline Li4Ti5O12 attached on carbon nano-fibers fot hybrid supercapacitors, Journal of Power Sources, 195(18), 6250-6254 (2010).

•Katsuhiko Naoi, Etsuro Iwama, Nobuhiro Ogihara, Yasuhiro Nakamura, Haruki Segawa, Yuji Ino, Nonflammable Hydrofluoroether for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Enhanced Rate Capability, Cyclability, and Low-Temperature Performance, J.Electrochem.Soc.,156(4),A272-A276 (2009).


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