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メンバー: 毛利考佑

分野: 情報学フロンティア、科学教育・教育工学、教育学

所属: 工学研究院

キーワード: 教育支援システム、 デジタル教科書、 協調学習、 学習分析、 教育のデータマイニング





〇科学研究費補助金 平成29-31年度 若手研究(B) 科研番号:17K12947 「シームレス学習環境における教育ビッグデータの可視化・分析に関する研究」(研究代表)
〇科学研究費補助金 平成28-31年度 基盤研究(B) 科研番号:16H03078 「教育ビッグデータの解析による教材改善手法の開発と評価」(分担者)
〇科学研究費補助金 平成28-32年度 基盤研究(S) 科研番号:16H06304 「教育ビッグデータを用いた教育・学習支援のためのクラウド情報基盤の研究」(分担者)


  1. Kousuke Mouri and Hiroaki Ogata, Ubiquitous Learning Analytics in the Real-world Language Learning, Smart Learning Environments, 2:15, pp.1-18, 2015.
    DOI: http://doi.org/10.1186/s40561-015-0023-x
  2. Kousuke Mouri, Hiroaki Ogata, Mahiro Kiyota & Noriko Uosaki, Visualization for Analyzing Learning Logs in the Seamless Learning Environment, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2016), pp.315-324, 2016.
  3. Kousuke Mouri, Hiroaki Ogata, Noriko Uosaki, Learning Analytics in a Seamless Learning Environment,LAK2017, pp348-357, 2017.
    DOI: http://doi.org/10.1145/3027385.3027408




Analyzing and visualizing educational big data in the seamless learning environment

Role of each system in the Seamless learning environment

Research members: Dr. Kousuke Mouri

Research fields: Frontiers of informatics, Science education/Educational technology, Education

Departments: Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Keywords: e-learning, m-learning, u-learning, learning analytics, educational data mining, information visualization

Web site:


In recent year, many educational researchers have introduced the learning management system such as Moodle and Blackboard in order to support formal learning. This study developed a ubiquitous learning system called SCROLL to support informal learning using ubiquitous technologies such as RFID tags, QR codes and GPS sensors. By using SCROLL, learners can save what they have learned in their daily life as learning log, and share them each other. Most of these studies focused on realizing a seamless learning environment at school or university. Once realized, the students' learning logs have been accumulated into their server. Therefore, we contend that learning efficacy can be enhanced by visualizing and analyzing their accumulated learning logs. So far, little attention has been paid to this aspect.

To tackle the learning analytics, this study proposes an analysis and visualization system for supporting seamless learning to bridge formal and informal learning by integrating three systems: Moodle, E-book system and SCROLL. Moreover, this study aims to evaluate the learning effects about proposed seamless learning analytics.

Reference articles and patents

  1. Kousuke Mouri and Hiroaki Ogata, Ubiquitous Learning Analytics in the Real-world Language Learning, Smart Learning Environments, 2:15, pp.1-18, 2015.
    DOI: http://doi.org/10.1186/s40561-015-0023-x
  2. Kousuke Mouri, Hiroaki Ogata, Mahiro Kiyota & Noriko Uosaki, Visualization for Analyzing Learning Logs in the Seamless Learning Environment, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2016), pp.315-324, 2016.
  3. Kousuke Mouri, Hiroaki Ogata, Noriko Uosaki, Learning Analytics in a Seamless Learning Environment,LAK2017, pp348-357, 2017.
    DOI: http://doi.org/10.1145/3027385.3027408


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