HOME Applications and Notifications Application of Research Fellowship for Young ScientstsApplication procedures for JSPS Fellow (DC/PD)

Application procedures for JSPS Fellow (DC/PD)

1.Submit a request for an ID/password for the electronic application system

ID/Password request form Send the form as an attachment to one of the email addresses listed below.


Term #1: April 1, 2024 (Fri.) to April 5 (Fri.) 12:00(strict deadline)

(forms are due to be issued after April 8 (Mon))

Term #2: April 19, 2024 (Fri.) 12:00 (strict deadline)

(forms are due to be issued after April 22 (Mon.))

Items for Submission

Put “Request for ID for the electronic application system for grants-in-aid for 2017” as the subject line of the email.

*Please click  to confirm the correct department.

Where to submit

Fuchu Area: Research Support Section (hkenkyo@cc.tuat.ac.jp)

Koganei Area: Industry-University Alliance Promotion Office (kenkyu2@cc.tuat.ac.jp)

2. Create the applicant content file

You can download the forms for the application content file from the JSPS website.

*Please be sure toread the procedures for preparation and data entry of the forms thoroughly

3. Create an application form on the electronic system

Use the ID and password that you requested and received via the ID/password confirmation form to log into the electronic application system

You must download the operations manual and use this to confirm the procedures.

4.Submit a draft application form. *Please ensure you submit a draft application

Deadline for the draft version: May 8 ,2024(Wed.) 12:00 (Strict deadline)

【Items for submission】
Please submit one application form (A4,printed on both sides – as a rule this will be submitted on paper)

5. Once you receive your draft application back, please confirm the areas where you need to make changes and create your actual application documents accordingly.

Deadline for actual application documents: May 20,2024 (Mon.)12:00 (strict deadline)

When submitting the actual application, be sure to click on the button marked “Confirmation complete/Submit”. Unlessthis button is pressed, your application will not be sent through to the JSPS.

【Items for submission】

  • Application form
  • Evaluation form: (DC) 1 set;(PD) 2 sets (for each of the two evaluators)

Where to inquire and submit documentation/application forms depends on the inquiry/form

Fuchu Area: Research Support Section (Ext:5894) Map (#24 on the linked map – 1st floor, Administration Building)

Koganei Area: Industry-University Alliance Promotion Office (Ext:7008) Map (#21 on the linked map – 1st  floor,University Research Administration Center)