Intellectual Property Policy
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Intellectual Property Policy
TokyoUniversity of Agriculture and Technology (hereinafter “this University”) advocatesthe promotion of “research at the highest standards in agriculture,engineering, and the field where both disciplinesinterconnect in order to achieve a society capable of sustainable development”and “high-quality research that greatly contributes to academia and society” asresearch goals.
Inregards to passing on the results of research to society, we aim to “deeplypass on results obtained through research as shared assets of mankind” and “tocontribute to the sustainable development of society and to the improvement ofmankind’s intellectual, cultural, and physical existence.”
Asthe third mission following after the fundamental missions of education andacademic research, this University strives to support society more directly byadvocating contribution toward the creation of new technology and newindustries through the form of an intellectual creation cycle with industry-government-academiacollaborations serving as the axis.
Thefollowing Intellectual Property Policy is designed for the protection and utilizationof intellectual property created through the process of achieving the goals andmissions of this University.
- Aim for the formation of an intellectual creation cycle by creating a systemthat benefits both this University and society through research collaborations.
- Protect and utilize intellectual property appropriately based on collaborationthrough agreements between this University and businesses or otherinstitutions.
- In principle, intellectual property, such as inventions by staff and otherparties during the course of research, belong to this University. However,academic papers and educational materials created by staff and other partiesduring the course of research belong to those parties, unless agreed tootherwise.
- Protect and utilize intellectual property from the standpoint of promoting thestart of business ventures, and the acquisition of competitive research fundingand promoting technology transfers.
- Closely collaborate with Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology TLO Co.,Ltd.for the creation, protection, and utilization of intellectual property.