Industrial-Academic Collaboration Policies
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration Policy
The goal, in terms of research, of the TokyoUniversity of Agriculture and Technology (hereinafter referred to as the“University”) is to aspire to the highest standard of research in agricultureand technology and integrated area in order to realize a sustained and viablesociety, and to engage in high quality research that is extremely beneficial inboth academic and social terms. Furthermore, the university aspires to spreadthe results of research far and wide into society as a common asset of mankind,to contribute the sustainable development of society and improve humanity’sintellectual, cultural, and material lifestyle, and to form an intellectualcreation cycle, building a framework from which both the universities andsociety can benefit through collaborative research.
Collaboration between industry, government,and academia is one important method of cooperating with society. Universitiescontribute to society through industry, government, and academiacollaborations, engaging in the creation of new technology, the establishmentof rights, the transfer of technology, and entrepreneurial support, andcontributing to the creation of new industries and employment, etc. Meanwhile,through such activities, universities are stimulated in terms of educationalresearch, and are able to receive research funding and undertake new researchand development projects. Such collaboration between industry, government, andacademia is of great significance to both universities and society, andpromoting such collaboration as a part of “social contribution”, the thirdmission, along with “education” and “academic research” which havetraditionally been cited as the two missions of universities, is widely soughtby society.
In order to smoothly promote suchcollaboration between industry, government, and academia, the University hasprepared the following Industry, Government, and Academia Collaboration Policy.
(1) Emphasis shall be placed on fundamentaland creative research based on free thinking, and collaboration betweenindustry, government, and academia shall be conducted subjectively taking intoconsideration the need for research based on social requirements, and promotingresearch that can be of benefit to industry, government, and academia.
(2) Intellectual property shall beappropriately protected and research that uses intellectual property shall bepromoted, based on collaboration according to clear contracts for organizationsbetween the University and corporations or public agencies.
(3) Highly public research with great socialrequirements that link to regional contributions shall be promoted.
(4) Emphasis shall be placed on nurturingstart-up companies originating from the University in view of the University’ssocial responsibilities to new technology and the creation of newindustry.
(5) Personnel capable of contributing to thedevelopment of society shall be nurtured using an environment created from collaborationbetween industry, government, and academia.
(6) Conflicts of interest between employees,the University, and society shall be appropriately managed and coordinated.
(7) In addition to education and research,the contribution to new technology and the creation of new industry shall beappropriately evaluated as an achievement of teaching staff.
(8) Collaboration shall take place withTUAT-TLO Co., Ltd. in order to promote collaboration between industry,government, and academia and to aim for the creation of new technology and newindustry.