Development and establishment of URA human resources
Efforts for Fostering and Securing URA Human Resources
Toattract skilled URA human resources, it is necessary to provide long-term,secure employment. Thus, for employing URAs at our university, we apply a“tenure system based on job classification,” as defined in the rules of employment.In accordance with the job description, there are three hierarchical jobgrades: Senior URA, Middle URA, and URA. These job grades allow for promotionaccording to an individual’s capabilities and experience. The senior URA, forexample, participates in formulating and implementing the university’sstrategy, and therefore, this position is a high-status job both within andoutside the university.
Independent URA Capability Development Program
Ouruniversity will establish an independent program for the development of URA capabilities with the cooperation of the university’s innovation promotion organization and professional graduate school. In addition, an “advisory board”composed of internal and external stakeholders and experts will be establishedto evaluate the activities of the URAC and offer administrative advice. Theadvisory board will also assist in setting administrative goals for the URAs,establishing criteria for evaluating those goals and skill standards, and in thecreation of the capability development program.